SkinPen Precision Microneedling – Collagen Induction Therapy

SkinPen - collagen induction therapy

SkinPen – Collagen induction therapy

SkinPen is used in collagen induction therapy and creates hundreds to thousands of “micro” skin punctures per second to stimulate the skin’s natural wound healing process. Firstly it starts with inflammation, continues with proliferation and ends with remodeling. Finally we want to achieve tissue remodeling without causing scar tissue formation. Most patients can return to normal activities within 24 hours.

Why choose SkinPen for skin rejuvenation treatment?

  • SkinPen rejuvenates from the inside out for younger looking skin.
  • SkinPen is the first FDA-cleared microneedling device.
  • SkinPen is proven safe and effective, delivering results that last up to six months.
  • SkinPen is a quick-and-easy treatment with little to no downtime.
  • SkinPen is proven to improve the appearance of acne scars and wrinkles on the neck.

How does microneedling work

Microneedling  with SkinPen Precision works by puncturing the skin with a device that contains lots of tiny, sterile needles. This creates intentional and controlled trauma to the skin, which, as a result, causes the body to repair itself. It does this by boosting collagen and elastin production. People praise this treatment for its ability to improve certain skin concerns.

collagen induction therapy

SkinPen Follows A 3-Step Process

SkinPen’s microneedles pierce the skin, triggering your immune system to disinfect the wounds, remove debris, increase blood flow, and begin to create new tissue.

SkinPen creates micro-wounds that rebuild with new granulation cells containing collagen proteins. Additionally, a new network of blood vessels develops.

The wound is replaced with new dermal tissues and blood vessels which are comprised of rich collagen and elastin proteins. These proteins improve skin youthfulness.

1) Microneedling for fine lines and wrinkles

One of the key benefits of microneedling is that it works brilliantly on fine lines and wrinklessmoothing skin and making it plumper and just generally more youthful looking. Looking at trying microneedling to tighten skin and make it firmer?-microneedling and Botox are a match when it comes to minimising the appearance of lines and wrinkles.

2) Microneedling for scars – acne scarring

If you have scars such as acne scarring that bother you or make you feel self conscious, microneedling could be a great option. After the needles on the microneedling device have penetrated the skin, intentional trauma happens and, in the case of scars and acne scarring, the skin then starts to heal, boosting collagen and elastin that then plump the area, filling out scars and restoring the skin’s scaffolding. This means smoother, firmer skin with more of an even texture. It’s seriously incredible stuff!

3) Microneedling for stretch marks

Many of us have stretch marks on our thighs, stomach, upper arms, breasts and buttocks, and that’s not necessarily a bad thing at all. But it’s something that does affect some people’s confidence. Microneedling can help minimize the appearance of stretch marks, whether they are caused by changes in weight or pregnancy. Often referred to as tiger stripes, stretch marks happen when tissue in the dermis is stretched, but the healing process that occurs after the initial microneedling trauma enables collagen production to strengthen the damaged tissue, significantly reducing the appearance of stretch marks.

4) Microneedling for large pores

Large pores ? Collagen induction therapycan play a great part in reducing the appearance.   When the skin starts to heal after the collagen induction therapy, and the collagen and elastin production kicks in, tightening occurs. This is what gives the appearance of smaller pores.

5) Microneedling for pigmentation

This treatment has another great benefit, in its ability to help even out skin tone. Therefore it’s a great option for people with pigmentation issues. A well-trained healthcare professional, with the right microneedling tools and know-how, will be able to get down deep into the dermis (below the skin’s surface) to break up pigmentation.Newer, healthier skin is then able to come through that’s brighter and more even-toned.